In fact, sometimes without extra attention, it is difficult to distinguish between color ring resistance and color ring inductance. Before the detailed introduction of color ring resistance reading, let's look at this kind of color ring inductance how to read the value, after mastering the reading, you can read the size of the inductance at a glance. The common color ring inductance is mainly a four-ring inductance whose reading method is basically the same as the four-ring resistance.
The four-ring inductance is read as follows: the first two color rings represent the first two digits of the inductance, the third color ring represents the multiple (the number of color rings is multiplied by the power of 10, or the number of zeros after the first two digits), and the fourth color ring represents the level of deviation.
The numbers expressed by the color rings of various colors: brown 1, red 2, orange 3, yellow 4, green 5, blue 6, purple 7, gray 8, white 9, black 0.
The deviation of color ring expression of various colors: gold 5%, silver 10%, no color 20%, brown 1%, red 2%, green 0.5 %, blue 0.25 %, purple 0.1 %, gray 0.05%.
Note that the unit of color ring inductance is microgram (μH).
For example, look at the read value of the color ring inductance, such as the color of the four rings is brown, black, brown and silver respectively, the read value is 10 *10 =100μH, the deviation is 10%. Note that when the third ring is golden, it means multiplied by 0.1; When the third ring is silvery white, it means multiplied by 0.01.
According to the above detailed introduction, in the future, if you see the color ring resistance can read the inductance value at a glance. If it looks thicker, the wires on both sides are smooth, and the background color is green or blue, it can basically be judged as color ring inductance. The color ring resistance has different raw materials and background colors. The center of the color ring resistance is thinner than the two sides, and the wires on both sides are stiff without smooth transition. With the miniaturization of electrical appliances, from magnetic core inductor, to color ring inductor, now we may see more SMT inductors.